
Sketching it up

Playtime is good for the soul.


Dog runs

Working on the quad run cycle.
Feel like I've loosened up a bit and slooowlyy getting the hang of it.

Maybe I'll do a clean up.



Krita, I love you

I have officially fallen in love with the brush settings on Krita.

Found a jem

I found a short clip I did of another one of my guys.
My dear "Hapless Henry"
I love how worried he always looks.

P.S have to say I am proud of those eyebrows

My little creatures

Must say I miss making my little creatures and fellows.
These were made during my Foundation year.

Damson Fish was my very first attempt to make a semi stop-motion puppet.
He now sits on my window sill, 
all quiet and still :(



Just been introduced to morphing and all I can say is :D

Animators are awesome

What happens when you give animation students a whiteboard maker.

Doodling on de Toonboom


A little fun and a little cheek

Really wanted to experiment with animation facial expressions 
and at the same time play around more with TVpaint.
I love the brushes you can get with TVpaint.

You can tell it wasn't really planned out due to the random positioning in the middle of the frame.
A doodle of an animation!


Galloping weridness

More experimentation.
Made a wrong turn deciding to animate all the legs in black.
Got a bit lost.
Still highly entertaining.

4 legged walk

The four legged walk.
After trying a two legged walk cycle I thought it seemed pretty straight forward.
Oh how wrong I was.
I couldn't seen the pattern of the leg movements or the difference between the front and back legs so I decided to do a study of the movement by looking at some biology videos.

Everything is so much clearer.