
Story boarding and library adventures

On our Monday back we were given an assignment right away called the 'Rush Job'. To put it simply, it was a group project to create an animatic of an advertisement for a fake company. 
To be done by Thursday.
So once again story boarding remind me of its wonderful existence and I say that without a hint of sarcasm. I absolutely love story boarding. Don't get me wrong I am not good at it (yet??) but I love the world it opens up. It's a great challenge for me to make a good storyboard as I've always wanted to be a great story teller but was never really good at telling them verbally or reading out loud. So that's probably why I'm so drawn to story boarding cause its telling a great story well through drawings. For the project I wasn't really in charge of story boarding but still it set something off in me again to find more about it. Hence my adventure in the library. 

After getting a little lost trying to figure out the library computer system and working my way around the maze of bookshelves, I found a couple really good books about the history of story boarding. I also found more that focuses more on techniques and on what it takes to be a good story boarder. There is one called Directing the Story written by Francis Glebas which I have yet to book out and read but looks really interesting. It talks a lot about how to direct the viewer's eye and convey meanings with images which we haven't learnt about yet in detail on the course so it would be nice to find out something new.

Wish me luck!

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